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<!DOCTYPE html>
.mask1 {
  -webkit-mask-image: url(w3logo.png);
  mask-image: url(w3logo.png);
  -webkit-mask-size: 50%;
  mask-size: 50%;
  -webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
  mask-repeat: no-repeat;
  -webkit-mask-position: center;
  mask-position: center;    
<h1>The mask-position Property</h1>
<h3>Set the position of the mask layer image to center:</h3>
<div class="mask1">
<img src="img_5terre.jpg" alt="Cinque Terre" width="600" height="400">
<h3>Original image:</h3>
<img src="img_5terre.jpg" alt="Cinque Terre" width="600" height="400">
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