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jQuery on() Method

❮ jQuery Event Methods


Attach a click event to the <p> element:

$("p").on("click", function(){
  alert("The paragraph was clicked.");
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Definition and Usage

The on() method attaches one or more event handlers for the selected elements and child elements.

As of jQuery version 1.7, the on() method is the new replacement for the bind(), live() and delegate() methods. This method brings a lot of consistency to the API, and we recommend that you use this method, as it simplifies the jQuery code base.

Note: Event handlers attached using the on() method will work for both current and FUTURE elements (like a new element created by a script).

Tip: To remove event handlers, use the off() method.

Tip: To attach an event that only runs once and then removes itself, use the one() method.



Parameter Description
event Required. Specifies one or more event(s) or namespaces to attach to the selected elements.

Multiple event values are separated by space. Must be a valid event
childSelector Optional. Specifies that the event handler should only be attached to the specified child elements (and not the selector itself, like the deprecated delegate() method).
data Optional. Specifies additional data to pass along to the function
function Required. Specifies the function to run when the event occurs
map Specifies an event map ({event:function, event:function, ...}) containing one or more event to attach to the selected elements, and functions to run when the events occur

Try it Yourself - Examples

Attach multiple events
How to attach multiple events to an element.

Attach multiple event handlers using the map parameter
How to attach multiple event handlers to the selected elements using the map parameter.

Attach a custom event on an element
How to attach a customized namespace event on an element.

Pass along data to the function
How to pass along data to the function.

Add event handlers for future elements
Show that the on() method also works for elements not yet created.

Remove an event handler
How to remove an event handler using the off() method.

❮ jQuery Event Methods