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jQuery slice() Method

❮ jQuery Traversing Methods


Start the selection of <p> elements from the <p> element with index number 2:

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Definition and Usage

The slice() method selects a subset of elements based on its index.

A subset is a set that is a part of a larger set.

This method is used to limit the selection of elements in a group, by a start and end point: the start parameter is a starting index (starts at 0) from which to create the subset, and the stop parameter is an optional ending point.



Parameter Description
start Required. Specifies where to start the selection of elements. The index numbers start at 0.

Note: Using a negative number will select elements from the end of the selected elements, instead of the beginning.
stop Optional. Specifies where to end the selection of elements. If omitted, the selection continues until the end of the set. The index numbers start at 0.

Note: Using a negative number will select elements from the end of the selected elements, instead of the beginning.

Try it Yourself - Examples

Start and stop
How to use both parameters to select <p> elements from a start point and an end point.

Using a negative number
Using a negative number to start the selection of <p> elements counting from the end, instead of the beginning.

Using both parameters with a negative number
Using start and stop with a negative number to start the selection of <p> elements counting from the end.

❮ jQuery Traversing Methods