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ASP.NET Web Pages - Objects

 Web Pages is much often about Objects.

The Page Object

You have already seen some Page Object methods in use:



In the previous chapter you saw two Page Object properties being used (IsPost, and Request):

If (IsPost) {

if (Request["Choice"] != null) {

Some Page Object Methods

Method Description
href Builds a URL using the specified parameters
RenderBody() Renders the portion of a content page that is not within a named section (In layout pages)
RenderPage(page) Renders the content of one page within another page
RenderSection(section) Renders the content of a named section (In layout pages)
Write(object) Writes the object as an HTML-encoded string
WriteLiteral Writes an object without HTML-encoding it first.

Some Page Object Properties

Property Description
IsPost Returns true if the HTTP data transfer method used by the client is a POST request
Layout Gets or sets the path of a layout page
Page Provides property-like access to data shared between pages and layout pages
Request Gets the HttpRequest object for the current HTTP request
Server Gets the HttpServerUtility object that provides web-page processing methods

The Page Property (of the Page Object)

The Page property of the Page Object, provides property-like access to data shared between pages and layout pages.

You can use (add) your own properties to the Page property:

  • Page.Title
  • Page.Version
  • Page.anythingyoulike

The pages property is very helpful. For instance, it makes it possible to set the page title in content files, and use it in the layout file:


Page.Title="Home Page"

<h1>Welcome to W3Schools</h1>

<h2>Web Site Main Ingredients</h2>

<p>A Home Page (Default.cshtml)</p>
<p>A Layout File (Layout.cshtml)</p>
<p>A Style Sheet (Site.css)</p>


<!DOCTYPE html>