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Django comment Tag


Comments allows you to have sections of code that should be ignored.


<h1>Welcome Everyone</h1>
{% comment %}
  <h1>Welcome ladies and gentlemen</h1>
{% endcomment %}
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Comment Description

You can add a message to your comment, to help you remember why you wrote the comment, or as message to other people reading the code.


Add a description to you comment:

<h1>Welcome Everyone</h1>
{% comment "this was the original welcome message" %}
    <h1>Welcome ladies and gentlemen</h1>
{% endcomment %}
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Smaller Comments

You can also use the {# ... #} tags when commenting out code, which can be easier when for smaller comments:


Comment out the word Everyone:

<h1>Welcome{# Everyone#}</h1>
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Comment in Views

Views are written in Python, and Python comments are written with the # character:


Comment out a section in the view:

from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.template import loader

def testing(request):
  template = loader.get_template('template.html')
  #context = {
  # 'var1': 'John',
  return HttpResponse(template.render())
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Read more about Python Comments in out Python Comment Tutorial.