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Excel Tutorial

Excel HOME Excel Introduction Excel Get Started Excel Overview Excel Syntax Excel Ranges Excel Fill Excel Move Cells Excel Add Cells Excel Delete Cells Excel Undo Redo Excel Formulas Excel Relative Reference Excel Absolute Reference Excel Arithmetic Operators Excel Parentheses Excel Functions

Excel Formatting

Excel Formatting Excel Format Painter Excel Format Colors Excel Format Fonts Excel Format Borders Excel Format Numbers Excel Format Grids Excel Format Settings

Excel Data Analysis

Excel Sort Excel Filter Excel Tables Excel Conditional Format Excel Highlight Cell Rules Excel Top Bottom Rules Excel Data Bars Excel Color Scales Excel Icon Sets Excel Manage Rules (CF) Excel Charts

Table Pivot

Table Pivot Intro

Excel Case

Case: Poke Mart Case: Poke Mart, Styling

Excel Functions


Excel How To

Convert Time to Seconds Difference Between Times NPV (Net Present Value) Remove Duplicates

Guided Projects

Introduction to Excel Learn Data Calculations Learn Data Visualization Learn to Create a Budget Learn to Create a Timeline Learn to Style in Excel

Excel Examples

Excel Exercises Excel Certificate

Excel References

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

W3Schools Excel Certificate

w3schools CERTIFIED . 2022   

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w3schools CERTIFIED . 2022

W3Schools offers an Online Certification Program.

The perfect solution for busy professionals who need to balance work, family, and career building.

More than 50 000 certificates already issued!

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Who Should Consider Getting Certified?

Any student or professional within the digital industry.

Certifications are valuable assets to gain trust and demonstrate knowledge to your clients, current or future employers on a ever increasing competitive market.

W3Schools is Trusted by Top Companies

W3Schools has over two decades of experience with teaching coding online.

Our certificates are recognized and valued by companies looking to employ skilled developers.

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Exam overview

Fee: 45 USD

Number of questions: 50

Requirement to pass: 75% correct answers

Time limit: 50 minutes

Number of attempts to pass: Two

Exam deadline: None

Certification Expiration: None

Format: Online, multiple choice

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Getting a certificate proves your commitment to upgrading your skills.

The certificate can be added as credentials to your CV, Resume, LinkedIn profile, and so on.

It gives you the credibility needed for more responsibilities, larger projects, and a higher salary.

Knowledge is power, especially in the current job market.

Documentation of your skills enables you to advance your career or helps you to start a new one.

How Does It Work?

  • Study for free at W3Schools.com
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  • Apply for your certificate by paying an exam fee
  • Take your exam online, at any time, and from any location

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Example certificate:

Excel Certificate of Completion

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Getting a certificate proves your commitment to upgrade your skills, gives you the credibility needed for more responsibilities, larger projects, and a higher salary.

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