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Google Sheets Add Cells

Adding New Columns

Columns can be added and deleted. You access the menu by right clicking the column letter and clicking on Insert 1 left or Insert 1 right.

Let's try to create a new column B.

Copy Values

Right click on the column and select Insert 1 left to insert a column on the left side of the current column:

And a new column is created:

Next, we need to get some Pokemon trainers in there. Type or copy the following data in the new column B:

Copy Values

Adding New Rows

Rows can also be added and deleted. You access the menu by right clicking the row number and clicking on Insert 1 below or Insert 1 above.

Let's try to create a new row 4.

Right click on the row and select Insert 1 above to insert a row bellow the current row:

And a new column is created:

We forgot to add Iva's Pokemon, Marowak. Lets add Marowak's data to the new row 4, by typing or copying the following values:

Copy Values

Excellent job!