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Google Sheets Font Characteristics

Font Characteristics

You can apply different characteristics to fonts such as:

  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underlined
  • Strike though

The commands can be found below in the Format menu or on the Quick Access Toolbar:

Bold is applied by either clicking the Bold () icon in the Ribbon or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+B or Command+B

Italic is applied by either clicking the Italic () icon in the Ribbon or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+I or Command+I

Underline is applied by either clicking the Underline () option in the Format menu or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+U or Command+U

Strikethrough is applied by either clicking the Strikethrough () icon in the Ribbon or using the keyboard shortcut Alt+Shift+5 or Option+Shift+5


The image below shows different font characteristics for both text and numbers: